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Checking feature accessibility

You can use the accessible method to check if a feature is on or off.

Features::accessible('my-feature') // returns true or false

Blade Views

the @feature blade directive is a simple @if shortcut to hide or display certain parts of the view depending on the state of the feature. A second argument flips the state e.g. it will display the contents of the if statement, if the feature is off.

    <p>Your feature flag is turned on.</p>

@feature('my-feature', false)
    <p>Your feature flag is turned off.</p>

Routing Middleware

The middleware will cause routes to be blocked if the specified feature does not have the correct state.

You may provide a HTTP Status Code in the event of the route being unavailable by flag as well as being able to provide a message which will be shown the the end user. The message will be run through Laravel's tranlation mechanism allowing you to show different possible messages per language.

Route::get('/', 'SomeController@get')->middleware('feature:my-feature')
Route::get('/', 'SomeController@get')->middleware('feature:my-feature,on')
Route::get('/', 'SomeController@get')->middleware('feature:my-feature,off,404')
Route::get('/', 'SomeController@get')->middleware('feature:my-feature,on,404,feature not available')
Route::get('/', 'SomeController@get')->middleware('feature:my-feature,on,404,translatable.message')

Validation Rules

Fields can be marked as required depending on if the feature is in a particular state.

    'name' => 'Peter',
    'place' => 'England',
    'email' => '',
], [
    'name' => 'requiredWithFeature:my-feature', // required
    'place' => 'requiredWithFeature:my-feature,on', // required
    'email' => 'requiredWithFeature:my-feature,off', // not required

Task Scheduling

Using the following will determine if a task will run on schedule depending on the state of the feature.

$schedule->command('emails:send Peter --force')
$schedule->command('emails:send Peter --force')

Query Builder

A useful extension of this package is also in being able to decide if part of a query should occur if a feature is enabled or disabled.

$results = DB::table('users')
    ->whenFeatureIsAccessible('my-feature', function (Builder $query) {
        return $query->where('type', 'new');
    ->whenFeatureIsNotAccessible('my-feature', function (Builder $query) {
        return $query->where('type', 'old');

Cleaning up Features

Often when working with feature flags you will want to remove flags frequently but aren't clear where such flags are referenced within the application you're developing. To help with this you can then add a list of features that you have expired. When these features are accessed, an exception will be thrown.

This is useful when used in conjunction with a test suit.


You may also customise this and provide your own callback if you wish to.

], function (string $feature): void {
    logger()->debug('Expired Feature!', ['feature' => $feature]);

You can even implement your own ExpiredFeaturesHandler which decides how a feature is expired etc.

Features::applyOnExpiredHandler(new CustomExpiredFeaturesHandler));

Artisan Commands

You may run the following commands to toggle the on or off state of the feature.

php artisan feature:on <gateway> <feature>

php artisan feature:off <gateway> <feature>

Debugging Flag access

If you wish to see what features are being accessed during a request you can enable the debug mode.


Then using an event listener you can use the ActionDebugLog to inspect how the decision was made, such as which gateway responded or if it came from the cache.

    function (\YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\Events\FeatureAccessed $event) {
        $event->log->file; // the file that accessed the feature
        $event->log->line; // the line of the file that accessed the feature
        // the decisions made by each gateway in order of access
        // e.g. [
        //  ['pipe' => 'redis', 'reason' => ActionDebugLog::REASON_NO_RESULT, 'result' => false],
        //  ['pipe' => 'database', 'reason' => ActionDebugLog::REASON_RESULT, 'result' => true],
        // ]

Logging this information can then help you if you're finding that a feature is not behaving as expected.

Released under the MIT License.