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Feature Flags is incredibly extensible. Including the ability to set which sources to test for if a feature is enabled this is done via a pipeline. These pipes are referred to as Gateways. Each Gateway is visited until a Boolean result is returned.

To choose your gateways, you need to modify the values within config/features.php. The name of each gateways must exist within the gateways key of the same config file.

'pipeline' => ['in_memory', 'database'],

The order of the pipeline is determined by the order of these values.


You may configure as many Gateways as you want to be a part of your pipeline and also use as many of the same driver as you like. The build in drivers are database, in_memory, redis and gate.

Database Driver

To use the Database driver you will need to add the migration. You can do this by using the publish command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\FeatureFlagsServiceProvider" --tag=features-migration

This driver will use the nominated Database connection & table for your gateway.

'gateways' => [
    'database' => [
        'driver' => 'database',
        'cache' => [
            'ttl' => 600,
        'connection' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_DATABASE_CONNECTION'),
        'table' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_DATABASE_TABLE', 'features'),

You may also use the on/off commands to affect the state of the features with this driver.

Redis Driver

This driver will use the nominated Redis connection for your gateway. You may add a prefix as well making it easier to delete the keys stored by the gateway.

'gateways' => [
    'redis' => [
        'driver' => 'redis',
        'prefix' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_REDIS_PREFIX', 'features'),
        'connection' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_REDIS_CONNECTION', 'default'),

You may also use the on/off commands to affect the state of the features with this driver.

InMemory Driver

This driver will use a .features.php file in the base of the project to configure the in memory features. You may wish to also create a .features.php.dist file. This file will be used when a .features.php does not exist.

'gateways' => [
    'in_memory' => [
        'file' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_IN_MEMORY_FILE', '.features.php'),
        'driver' => 'in_memory',
        'caching' => [
            'ttl' => 300,

You can create the .features.php file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\FeatureFlagsServiceProvider" --tag=inmemory-config

You can then use the returning function to provide an array which will be used by the InMemory gateway.


use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;

 * @returns array<string, bool>
return static function (Application $app): array {
    return [
        'my.feature.flag' => true,

You can not use the on/off commands to affect the state of the features with this driver.

Gate Driver

The gate driver will allow you to use a gate defined in Laravel. This gate will then receive the feature being accessed, you may apply logic based on a user or guest accessing the site through the gate chosen.

'gateways' => [
    'gate' => [
        'driver' => 'gate',
        'gate' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_GATE_GATE', 'feature'),
        'guard' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_GATE_GUARD'),
        'cache' => [
            'ttl' => 600,
Gate::define('feature', function (?User $user, $feature) {
    return true;

The gate behaviour is different to other gateways in that it will always provide a true or false result. If you put this gateway before any others their will always be a result meaning gateways after the gate will not be executed.

You can not use the on/off commands to affect the state of the features with this driver.

Caching with Gateways

You may implement a cache per gateway. This is done by providing a cache key.

'gateways' => [
    'database' => [
        'driver' => 'database',
        'cache' => [
            'store' => 'file' //Optional. Tells which cache store to use, will otherwise use the default cache.
            'ttl' => 300, // Optional. Tells how long to cache for, defaults to 5 minutes.
        'connection' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_DATABASE_CONNECTION'),
        'table' => env('FEATURE_FLAG_DATABASE_TABLE', 'features'),

The default is for all items to be cached for 5 minutes. You can set the value to null if you wish to not have the cache items expire. This is not recommended.

Filtering features by Gateway

You may also tell some gateways to not response to certain feature prefixes. For example if you have a feature called you can apply a filter of system.*, this will mean only features with the prefix of system. will interact with that gateway. You may also flip that logic with !system.* meaning that any feature that does start with that prefix will not interact with the gateway and move onto the next.

'gateways' => [
    'mysql' => [
        'driver' => 'database',
        'connection' => 'mysql',
        'filter' => 'system.*',
    'sqlite' => [
        'driver' => 'database',
        'connection' => 'sqlite',
        'filter' => '!system.*',

You may apply multiple filters in the configuration of a gateway using an array.

'gateways' => [
    'mysql' => [
        'driver' => 'database',
        'filter' => ['system.*', 'user.*'],

Turning off functionality

Everything is enabled by default but if you want to turn off several features add the following method calls to the boot method of app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php in your project.


Implementing your Own Gateway Drivers

You can create your own gateway drivers. To do so you will need to make your own class which implements that YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\Contracts\Gateway interface.

public class CustomGateway implements \YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\Contracts\Gateway
    public function __construct(protected $option)

    public function accessible(string $feature): ?bool
        return true; // Decision logic should occur here


You will then need to register this with the Features manager. This can be done using the following code placed inside a register method of a Service Provider.

public function register()
    $this->app->extend(\YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\Manager::class, function (\YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\Manager $manager) {
        return $manager->extend('custom', function (array $config) {
            return new CustomGateway($config['option']);

Then you only need use it in your features.php config.

'gateways' => [
    'custom' => [
        'driver' => 'custom',
        'option' => true,
        'cache' => [
            'ttl' => 600,

You may also make your driver be Toggleable and Cacheable

Maintenance Mode

If you wish to you may use Feature Flags for Laravel directly with maintenance mode and have different scenarios mapped out when features are enabled or disabled.

Adding the following to a service provider's boot method for example in the AppServiceProvider will configure these scenarios.

class AppServiceProvider
    public function boot()

Then to enable the driver, simply set the following in config/app.php.

'maintenance' => [
    'driver' => 'features',

To be able to use the 'excepts' method you will need to change the \App\Http\Middleware\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance class within your application to extend \YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\Middlewares\PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance.

You can automate this process by running the publish command but please take note this will override the PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance middleware that already exists within your Laravel project.

php artisan vendor:publish --force --provider="YlsIdeas\FeatureFlags\FeatureFlagsServiceProvider" --tag=maintenance-middleware

Released under the MIT License.